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PI023 | Number of conditions of class V4.0

Performance Indicator

This PI reports the number of Conditions of Class that are issued to a ship at any given time during given quarter.

DefinitionNumber of Conditions of Class issued during the reporting period. Condition of Class (CoC) is a written statement from class. The “Condition of Class” definition might differ between class societies, as some use term “Condition of Class”, others use term “recommendation”. Data concerning this PI can be taken from class records and/or inspection reports, and should be aggregated from the inspections held during the reporting period.
ScopeReported on a ship level.
Calculation periodCaptured and reported on a quarterly basis.
ReferencesThis Performance Indicator - PI023 - is used by the following Key Performance Indicators
KPI006Condition of class
PI023Number of conditions of class

During 1st quarter:
- Jan 15, 2015 - MF/HF equipment to be made operational by 15th February (30 days from the date of issue)
- Jan 15, 2105 - Buckling in No. 2 Port ballast tanks IWO of centerline girder between frame 74 and 76 to be rectified by next docking  
Number of conditions of class = 2

External references

IACS – Only CoC or recommendations to be reported, memoranda (MO – Memo to Owner) and other similar entries should not to be included.