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PI029 | Number of failures of critical equipment and systems V4.0

Performance Indicator

This PI captures total number of failures of critical equipment and systems.

DefinitionThe number of failures to equipment and systems in the critical list as defined in the company's Safety Management System.

If multiple faults result in the same unavailability they should all be counted, as this PI measures the state of the system, not the consequence of the failure.
ScopeReported on a ship level
Calculation periodCaptured and reported on a quarterly basis
ReferencesThis Performance Indicator - PI029 - is used by the following Key Performance Indicators
KPI012Failure of critical equipment and systems
PI029Number of failures of critical equipment and systems

During 1st quarter ship reported:
- OWS in-operational due to mechanical fault on Jan 10th,
- Emergency generator not starting on auto mode on Jan 20th,
- Breakdown of GMDSS antennae on Feb 25th,
- ECDIS/radar failure on Mar 25th,
Number of failures of critical equipment and systems = 4

External references

Chapter 10.3 of the ISM Code