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PI053 | Number of releases of substances to the environment V4.0

Performance Indicator

This PI captures number of releases of substances to the environment as covered by MARPOL Annex II through V.

DefinitionThis PI is used to measure the Number of releases of substances to the environment. This PI captures number of releases of substances to the environment as covered by MARPOL Annex II through V. This PI and Number of oil spills (PI055) are used to express the company’s ability to avoid releases of substances (Releases of substances - KPI028). The number of releases of substances to the environment, in violation of MARPOL Annex II through V and/ or any other local regulations. Oil spills covered by MARPOL Annex I shall be reported in PI055. Data for this PI shall be based on discovered releases reported to authorities and recorded in relevant vessel’s record books.
ScopeReported on a ship level
Calculation periodCaptured and reported on a quarterly basis
ReferencesThis Performance Indicator - PI053 - is used by the following Key Performance Indicators
KPI028Releases of substances
PI053Number of releases of substances to the environment
PI055Number of oil spills

Disposal of Ship’s Waste in 1 Plastic bag discovered and reported.
Releases of substances = 1

External references

PI References is made to the MARPOL Annex III & V and local regulations.