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PI062 | Planned unavailability V4.0

Performance Indicator

This PI captures the ship’s agreed planned unavailability.

DefinitionThe number of hours planned for repairs and maintenance, including drydocking, in-water survey (IWS), modifications, hot / cold layup that are agreed between the ship manager and ship owner for the given quarter.
ScopeReported on a ship level
Calculation periodCaptured and reported on a quarterly basis.
ReferencesThis Performance Indicator - PI062 - is used by the following Key Performance Indicators
KPI032Ship availability
PI003Actual unavailability
PI062Planned unavailability

Quarter1: 18hours (ME maintenance)
Quarter2: 140 hours (100 hours for planned Drydocking plus 40 hours steaming to shipyard), 
Quarter3: 4 hours (ME maintenance), 
Quarter4: 240 hours (Hot Lay-up)
Total planned unavailability: 402 hours