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META014 | P&I Club V4.0

Ship Attribute


A Protection and Indemnity Association/Club is a mutual (i.e. co-operative) insurance association that provides cover for its members, who will typically be ship-owners, ship-operators or demise charterers. Unlike a marine insurance company, which is answerable to its shareholders, a P&I Club is the servant only of its members.

The P&I Club applicable at the end of the reporting period should be entered.

ValueKey (for data import)
American Steamship Owners Mutual P&I Association IncAMERICAN
Assuranceforening SkuldSKULD
China Shipowners Mutual Assurance AssociationCHINA
Gard P&I (Bermuda) LtdGARD
Hellenic PandI ClubHELLENIC
Islamic P&I ClubISLAMIC
The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association LtdBRITANIA
The British Marine Mutual Insurance Association LtdBRITISH
The Japan Ship Owners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association LtdJAPAN
The Korean Shipowners' P&I AssociationKOREA
The London Steam-Ship Owners' Mutual Insurance Association LtdLONDON
The North of England P&I association LtdNORTH
The Russian P&I PoolRUSSIAN
The Shipowners' Mutual P&I Association (Luxembourg)SHIPOWNER
The South of England P&I Association (Bermuda) LtdSOUTH
The Standard Steamship Owners' P&I Association (Bermuda) LtdSTANDARD
The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association (Bermuda) LtdSTEAMSHIP
The Swedish ClubSWEDISH
The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)WEST
Tokio Marine & NichidoTOKIO_MARINE_AND_NIC
United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (bermuda) LtdUK