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KPI028 | Releases of substances V4.0

Key Performance Indicator

This KPI expresses the company’s ability to avoid releases of substances as defined by MARPOL (Annex I - VI).

InterpretationThis is done by counting the number releases of substances (PI053) and oil spills (PI055).
NotesDue to difficulties in measuring the actual volume/quantity of a spill or release, the KPI focus on the number of incidents. All releases of oil and any substances to the environment, as covered under MARPOL Annex I to V is to be recorded and counted as an incident.

The minimum quantity of release of substances under MARPOL Annex I to V, to be recorded, is as per the company's Safety Management System.
ScopeShip level
Calculation periodQuarterly

[formula]KPI028 = PI053 + PI055[/formula]

PI053Number of releases of substances to the environment
PI055Number of oil spills
Ranking calculation example

Step 1: Calculate KPI value

PI053Number of releases of substances to the environment= 1
PI055Number of oil spills= 0
[formula] KPI028_{Value} [/formula][formula] = PI053 + PI055[/formula][formula] = 1 + 0[/formula][formula] = 1 [/formula]

Step 2: Calculate percentile rank by comparing KPI value against other ships with the same criteria. We assume that another 99 (100 in total) participate in the ranking with the same criteria and our ship has position 33 and you are the only ship in that rank.

Step 3: Calculate the percentile rank by capturing the count of all participant below your rank (cl). The frequency of ships in your same rank (fi). The total number of ships in the ranking segment (N).

[formula] KPI028_{Percentile Ranking} = \frac{cl+05*fi}{N} * 100 = \frac{67+0.5*1}{100} * 100 = 67.50 [/formula]

Interpretation: Based on the above example, we could say that, when it comes to KPI028 Releases of substances, this ship belongs in the 67.50th percentile of the ships that are being compared with based on its ranking criteria in the respective quarter.

External references