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PI008 | Emitted mass of NOx V4.0

Performance Indicator

This PI is used in calculation of energy efficiency in the KPI NOx efficiency by dividing the value on the PI Transport work.

Definition The mass of NOx emitted by the vessel is calculated by multiplying given engine type consumption expressed in metric tons (depending on its load) by a respective conversion factor provided below. 

The total mass of NOx emitted by the vessel is calculated by adding masses of NOx emitted by all different vessel engine types.

Respective fuel consumptions shall be calculated only for voyages completed during given quarter in order to be compared to the Transport Work (PI064). This means that an inaccuracy is acceptable with respect to the definition of the quarter.
Scope Reported on a ship level
Calculation period Captured and reported on a quarterly basis
References This Performance Indicator - PI008 - is used by the following Key Performance Indicators
KPI021 NOx efficiency
PI064 Transport work
PI008 Emitted mass of NOx

Bunker consumption: 3060.00 Metric Tons Heavy Fuel Oil. Ship's engine speed: 110 RPM NOx = 3060 Metric Tons x 100 = 306000 Kgs

Average NOx emission factors for different engine speedRPM
100kg per metric ton fuel used < 200
70kg per metric ton fuel used200-1000
60kg per metric ton fuel used1000-1500
55kg per metric ton fuel used > 1500

External references

MARPOL Annex VI Appendix II - Test cycles and weighting factors (Regulation 13) Engines actual NOx Emission Value (g/kWh) according to NOx Technical File